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As a nonprofit organization, we depend upon individuals like you to support our mission to inspire, educate, and enrich our community.

Your support keeps youth and student tickets free at CANW performances; helps us work with nationally recognized composers and guest artists to produce new compositions, and lowers the barriers to participation for our volunteer singers. We cannot do this without your help.

Thank you for helping us achieve our vision.

Your gift to Choral Arts Northwest is a charitable donation. CANW is a Washington non-profit corporation exempt from U.S. federal taxes under IRS code 501[c](3), and the organization’s federal tax identification number is 91-1660680.

Please enter the amount you wish to contribute.




If you have been directed to this page by a current CANW choir member, please share their name, below:

Special Instructions

If you would like to make it in honor or memory of someone, please let us know!